Constance Bashford

Masked alt model from The Netherlands

"Put your hand in your pocket and you will find a small device that can access every part of human knowledge in the history of mankind. Everything we know is at your fingertips. Look up at the side of buildings and there are cameras everywhere. We live in a society that George Orwell predicted would happen, where our every move is monitored by someone in an office sitting before banks of computer screens. No-one can do anything without someone knowing about it and everyone knows who you are."

"Despite this, Constance Bashford has managed to remain a complete mystery to everyone she comes into contact with. The steampunk and dieselpunk model travels around Europe on her Airship “The Peregrine” and brings with her an enigmatic air of curiosity wherever she moors. The ambiguity of her character is compelling and in her photographs you can see the yearning of the photographer wanting to know the full face. Constance merely smiles, knowing that you can never attain that blessed knowledge."

— Matt Grayson